Tuesday 6 January 2009

Tarot Discussion - OSHO Card 38 - Adventure


"Adventure"  Card from the OSHO Zen Tarot Deck


During the month of December, many times I would pull different Angel Cards and get the same theme of "Adventure".  The idea of adventure is that one goes forward and walks through new doors, and accepts that change is the status quo.  It is about making decisions and moving -- one cannot remain complacent.

Therefore, it was not a surprise this morning that the OSHO card that I drew said "Adventure".  The card represents the Adventure that all of us are facing as we move into 2009.

If you look at the card, you see a child moving through a green archway, and walking into a rainbow of colours.  The card reminds us that when we move into a new adventure, we must do so with child like wonder and innocence.  A child is without expectations because the child has little experience to draw on, and therefore does not set out a vision of what should happen.  We need to let go of our patterns of behaviour and the conditioning of the last ten years by the media and the corporate world.  We need to get back our sense of magic!

The best way to say this is to use Osho's own words.... "Insecurity is the only way to grow, to face danger is the only way to grow, to accept the challenge of the unknown is the only way to grow."

Enjoy the adventure!


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