Chip and Dale image from Wikipedia
Walt Disney brought the loveable chipmunk characters, Chip and Dale, to the big screen in the 1950’s. Although they never achieved the stardom of Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck, they still remain the very favourite characters for many Disney fans.
Perhaps it is because the actions of the cartoon chipmunks is so similar to the real chipmunk. Chipmunk is a part of the family of rodents, and yet, like squirrel, seems to have little fear of humans. Chipmunk has much to teach us about trust. It will chatter so that people will notice it, and it will come up to people and take food out of their hands. The idea of taking food where ever you can get it seems to be Chipmunk’s motto. Chipmunk is also curious. It is attracted to anything that is unusual. She, therefore, is a good early warning system for other wildlife in the area because she will set up quite an alarm if she feels threatened.
Chipmunk in the wild from www.toddshikingguide.com.
Depending on the species of Chipmunk, young chipmunks may leave the nest between seven and twelve weeks. All are on their own by the twelfth week. During their nest time, Chipmunks develop a keen sense of play. Although they are extremely hard working in the fall and gather nuts and seeds to store for the winter’s food supply, you will see them running and wrestling and chasing each other with a joyful abandon.
Some of the lessons that Chipmunk has for us are:
- Take a leadership role and take responsibility for your neighbourhood.
- Don’t accept what others tell you. Be inquisitive and find out or verify information. People will tell you as much as they think you need to know.
- Chipmunks leave the nest by 12 weeks, and mate twice, approximately 12 weeks apart. Chipmunk urges you to be conscious of your cycles of energy. They may relate to seasons, to the moon shifts, or to the cycle of the sun. Is your energy optimal?
- Take time to play. Chipmunk has fun and balances business with playfulness. Are you working too many hours and not spending enough time on yourself or your mate?
- Chipmunk is without fear, yet cautious when dealing with new events in the environment. Are you living in fear, and letting that fear control your life? Now is the time to clear it.
Enjoy Chipmunk antics and pay attention to the message that they send to you.
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