Wednesday 6 May 2009

Ancestors Speak – Spirits Around You


Picture of a ghost outside an old hotel

by Robert Brown on the site


I work with many clients and students who do have the ability to see Angels and Spirits or Ghosts.  In the Shamanic world, we call these ghostly mists “The Ancestors”.  Recently I was working with a client who has been having difficulty sleeping because so many Spirits are showing up in her bedroom at night. 

She had some questions.  First, why did they seem to mostly accumulate at night.  My answer is that is the time when her mind was the least busy, and she was not involved in something else so she could pay attention to them.  Her second question was, “Why me?”   The answer to that is always “Because you have the gift to see Spirits. And, one gift is to help them return home.” 

I have learned that there are Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters, Spirits that for what ever reason have stayed on Earth and now want to go home, and finally, dark spirits (energy) that are harmful in some way.  Dark Spirits can cover a whole range of different entities. 

Angels, Guides, and Ascended Masters will simply show up because they want to work with you, and although their energy can seem over whelming if you are not used to it, they are all beautiful, loving beings. They are not angry or harmful.  Angel’s energy is generally warm or hot, and Ascended Masters and Guides may have energy that is almost cool or cold, or electric. 

When you feel overwhelmed by the presence of Angels and Guides, remember that “Permissions” are the first rule.  If you ask them to leave, or to leave you alone for the period of 11:00pm to 7:00am so you can sleep, then they will abide by your request.  However, expect them to show up at 7:00am sharp to work with you again.  If you have been ignoring them and the pull that you feel to doing something “different”, then know that you are going against the flow, and that life will get more difficult.  If we try to control our life, and the events around us, we are simply setting ourselves up to have a great fall – an illness, an accident or injury, or even relationship or career difficulties. 

Learn about your special gifts. Start meditating on a daily basis, even for just ten minutes a day. Begin asking for guidance, and listening.  The Spirits around you will be grateful.     See our Psychic Abilities Assessment for help on finding out about all your gifts.

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