I believe that the Eagle is the Guardian Teacher of the East. I believe that Eagle flies where it needs to fly. I believe that Eagle flies in my dreams to teach me.
One of these dreams that I remember began with Eagle sitting in a tree in a deserted farm yard across the road from the farm that I grew up on. Eagle began to chase the birds out of the tree. Then, its mate joined it, and they both swooped about the tree, scaring the birds. Suddenly, one Eagle flew off and landed in our field that was south of the farm yard. The other Eagle looked at me, and then flew to the ground. It began to walk. As it walked, it grew bigger until it was so large that it could step over the fence, into our field.
I was so excited. I pulled out my camera. I ran to the fence and crawled through it to take pictures of these huge Eagles. As I was getting focused, a herd of white and pale brown and palomino horses came galloping up. My two large Eagles faced the herd and morphed into two very large white horses. Two of the smaller white horses trotted up to them and I realized that the small horses were the Eagle’s offspring. I grew even more excited and thought “no one will believe this”. Just as I started to snap pictures, I woke up!
I was so upset that I didn’t have a camera, that I was not out on the field, and that my Eagles had disappeared.