I took this picture of a mother duck and her babies last week. The whole time that we walked around the pond, I heard the word, “reflect”. I had been having some thoughts about this and that. Reflect, however, means to me that I need to look at my actions and what was going on.
Some of the actions that popped into my mind were random things that I did that I wondered, at the time, why I did them. However, I did what I was prompted to do. Then, later, one of my friends needed the very things that Spirit had asked me to research and download.
In my reflection, I realized that most things are not about me. They are about big picture things that I can assist with. The retention pond, above, caused a lot of controversy when it was built. Several years later, it is providing a safe place for the ducks and geese to nest and raise their young. The last two years the river has flooded at the hatching time. It would wash away the youngsters, and the flocks would diminish. Spirit had the foresight to have retention ponds built in the regular hatching places. It is the big picture thing again.
In my reflection, I realized that all is perfect, whole, and complete, and I do not need to spend energy on the things that do not matter. From our very small perspective, though, all things matter.
I am happy to announce that my book is now available on Amazon.com…
Earth Wisdom Meditations: 111 Contemplations For People Who Love The Earth [Paperback] Judith Hirst(Author) A Kindle version is also available.