Friday 26 February 2010

Spirit Animal – Bee Healing


On Christmas Day, a cold started in my body. Not only did
it slow me down but it actually put me flat on my back
quite a few days. I know that a cold is a sign that you are
clearing something on all three levels of body, mind and
spirit. However, when my throat became quite sore, I was
mostly concerned with the physical. Nothing seemed to
either clear or soothe my throat. Then I remembered that
when I was little, Mom used to give me a spoonful of
honey when I had a sore throat. So, I tried that solution,
and “Presto” after several spoonfuls of honey, my throat
started to clear up.

When I was growing up, my only concern about a bee was
whether it was near me, and whether it would sting me. When I started studying Egyptian Magick, I discovered that the lowly bee (in my mind) was really an exalted friend and provider for the ancient Egyptian culture. In fact, the nobility were buried with most of their possessions, slaves, and large urns of honey. When
the archaeologists have excavated these tombs, and opened the honey, it had crystallized but was without mould or spoilage. I thought this was pretty amazing. The article went on to talk about how the honey was used for healing.

Early in 2001, my interest in the bee was renewed when my husband Roger explained that he always has wanted to be a bee-keeper. I decided that I needed to investigate this little insect. As I started the research, I found that the oldest bee is believed to be 100 million years old. (That’s relatively young compared to the shark which is believed to be 450 million years old.)

Through it has changed somewhat over the years, the bee still produces a nourishing, healing honey that is pretty much unrivalled as food and healer. The antiseptic properties of honey make it a natural healer for wounds by protecting the wound from infection and decreasing the swelling. As I experienced
through my cold, honey destroys mucus from the cold virus. Honey is also recommended for treating indigestion and heart or high blood pressure ailments.

A few facts that I learned in my quest are:

  • that bees do indeed create honey that is healing.
  • Bees are so sensitive to environmental toxins that they die
    and do not carry the poison to the hive. Therefore, the honey is without toxins.
  • Honey in the bath water is relaxing and is recommended to relieve insomnia.
  • Although it is high in calories, athletes use it as a
    quick “pick-me-up”.
  • Honey produced in one’s local area is a prescribed remedy for hay fever.

Don’t take my word for all these remedies. I suggest that you buy some honey and try “bee healing” on yourself and family. Honey really does take the “sting” out of a wound. Oh yes, and “bee” happy!

(This article originally appeared in the Angels And Ancestors Newsletter January, 2007)   Join us for

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