Friday 20 November 2009

From Judy – Respect!

Many of my friends have read the editorial from our November 2009 issue, and they have suggested that I provide it on our blog, so that more people may read it.  Following their guidance, I now share the November editorial.



Picture is from

From The Editors – Respect!
As I sat in meditation on Tuesday morning, I asked what topic I should use for this upcoming newsletter (November). For me, meditation is always contemplative, and words flow through my brain, and I get to watch them. The word that kept starting to
repeat itself was “respect”. The most common phrase that a Shaman seems to use is “Well, isn’t that interesting!” And, that is exactly what I said, when I kept seeing this word, “respect”.

What sorts of images does it bring up in your mind? For me, the first thing I saw was Aretha Franklin, on stage, and belting out “R-E-S-PE-C-T”. If you want to hear her, check out the YouTube video of her at The second flash was of our dogs, Magic and Sage, and how one of them might leave their food in their dish, and the other one respects that space, and leaves the food alone. In fact, I saw all the times
that Magic and Sage showed each other respect, and love. And then my vision shifted to a time in August where a tree removing company, hired to remove our next door neighbour’s tree, set up camp on our RV drive, without permission, in total disrespect
of our yard and privacy. In our world, permission to proceed is a universal law, and a sign of respect for the person or people involved. Then many visions of disrespect rolled up on my screen. People swearing at each other. Bullies – in the workplace and in schools. The way oil companies and construction firms and corporations, in general, treat the Earth with disrespect. I saw how governments disrespect the people they represent by putting laws in place that are restrictive or favor pharmaceutical
companies: by officials taking bribes and even demanding bribes: by controlling the news; and by not restricting over use of resources.

My vision then moved to self respect. All actions stem from one’s view of self. My favourite definition of respect is “to show regard for, or esteem for, and to avoid violation of, or interference with”. I saw how many times in the past I disrespected
myself, based on the definition above, before I learned self respect. And, my screen changed shape to show me so many people who because of the lack of self respect, and the anger around that feeling, tend to disrespect everything and everybody. I was overwhelmed! I came out of the meditation and went to work. I kept thinking about respect. As I was Stumbling through websites (Stumble is a search tool that takes one to random websites based on the person’s interests), articles on respect began to pop up. A line by Dear Abby caught my eye. "We teach people how to treat us." What this means is if we treat ourselves with respect we will be treated with respect. Likewise, if we disrespect ourselves, others will tend to do likewise. I also found this lovely prayer.

Self-respect Prayer
O God, teach me that self-respect cannot be hunted. It cannot be purchased. It is never for sale. It comes to me when I am alone, in quiet moments, in quiet places, when I suddenly realize that, knowing the good, I have done it; knowing the beautiful, I have served it; knowing the truth, I have spoken it.

My wish for each of us is that we do take time to do self care, and that we learn to say no when we are being pressured by others. And, my greatest wish is that each of us walks each day in love and in respect for self and for others.

May you walk softly on this Earth,
Judith and Roger   Join us -

Crystal Skulls Workshop 1 – How To Work With Your Crystal Skull

You saw a crystal skull, and knew without a doubt, that you must purchase it. Now, what do you do with it? Is it like a crystal? Does it really talk? Does it have stories to share?
    Rose Quartz Crystal SkullTopics included in this one day workshop:
    1. Skulls of light.
    2. Skulls as transmitters.
    3. Crystal Skulls and the Stars.
    4. Learning to “talk” to your crystal skull.
    5. Decoding the messages from your skull.
    6. Does the type of crystal make a difference?
    7. Protecting your skull.
    8. Gratitude and your skull.
    9. Q and A
      Dates: Sunday, December 13th, from 9:30-5:30pm at The Healing Forest, 5034-49th Street, Olds, AB.  Fee: $142.00 Register by Dec 7th with Rose at 403-556-9411



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