Tuesday 7 April 2009

Spirit Animal – Stork











Picture is from the photography of Gregory Colbert.

Most people know of Stork by the legends or mythology around Stork delivering human babies.  Many of us learned about Stork on Saturday morning cartoons such as “Bugs Bunny”. 

There is also a legend about Stork that Stork was an Angel at one time.  The Angels wanted to work with humans on Earth, however, could not stay on Earth for any length of time.  So, the Angels asked Great Spirit for a different form, one that would allow them to stay on Earth and be part of human life.  Their request was granted, and the very tall Angels became the very tall storks.  Because of their love for human kind, the Storks built their nests on the roof of a house, and warned the human of danger or weather changes.  So began the great love that humans have for Stork.

Judy@angelsandancestors.com  Watch for another article about Stork and the messages that it brings.  Workshops at www.angelsandancestors.com

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