Sunday 23 September 2018

Pause For Renewal


I was reading articles about stillness.  I was trying to get a deeper understanding of what exactly stillness was because so many people seemed to identify it so differently. 

I flipped links on Google, and I found this gem of an article.  It comes from Uplift.  The link is here….  Here is an excerpt from the article.

We are starving for stillness and silence in our culture. Doesn’t it seem like there is noise and chaos everywhere? The truth is that the world is not going to slow down and get less noisy simply because you want it to. You have to commit to taking time to pause. I’ve grown to appreciate that pausing truly is golden. Taking breaks settle me in a matter of minutes.

I didn’t always feel this way.

I used to surround myself with noise. I’d fall asleep with the television blaring, have pop music playing in my car and home, and talk, talk, talk until my throat was sore. Now I seek silence every day and I encourage you to do the same.

This struck a chord in me and around me.  This… this is what they are talking about "in stillness".


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