This sign is for all the people that think they have life tough - and then try to rationalize what they are thinking. And, we have all done it!
Wisdom and guidance from the Angels, Ancestors, Shaman, Druids, Healers, Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters. Topics covering: Energy, Peace, Karma, Spirit Animal, Guides, Nature, and Wellness
Thursday, 27 September 2012
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Spirit Speaks – You Are Human And Spirit
The first time I saw this sign, I laughed out loud! This explains what happens to so many people who are diagnosed with mental disorders.
We come to Earth to find ourselves, and while we are on Earth, we escape our physical reality to find ourselves. We say, “I don’t know who I am!”
We look for signs to tell us the way to ourselves. We take drugs to find ourselves. Some people try counselling, meditation, and other forms of self help, to find themselves.
Through it all, our families watch and determine that the searchers are “different” or not normal. The searchers discover that the family is dysfunctional.
The cosmic joke is that none of us is perfect, and yet, we judge others as though we are.
Enjoy the joke,
Monday, 24 September 2012
Spirit Speaks–You Want Directions To Where?
It seems that there are days that are made for happiness and then, most days, someone needs to hand out directions for getting to the state of happiness.
How do you find happiness within your self? Do you remember happy times? Do you think of a song that is happy? Do concentrate on a particular person? Any of those things might work. The thing is, to get to how you want to feel, you set a direction.
Sometimes, you get there, and sometimes you go past what you were aiming for. Our bodies naturally want to feel happy. They want to drop off the stress from work, bad food, unhealthy relationships, and other common elements of self destruction.
This is a good day to find happiness.
Sunday, 23 September 2012
Spirit Speaks - Equinox Energies And Did You Feel The Shift?
We were sitting on the deck of our house, with a gathering of friends (about 20 people), concentrating in meditation. I felt a vibration begin in my body. We were all shifting….
Did you shift?
Friday, 7 September 2012
Buddha Speaks - Your Life
| What is this? This is just your life. So you do your part, and the rest is clear. It is clear because there has never been anything lacking, despite any beliefs you might have, despite any ideas you might have. There has never been anything lacking. - Elihu Genmyo Smith, "Do Your Best" | |
I really think that this quote says all there is to say about life.
Thursday, 6 September 2012
Spirit Speaks–A Comment On Belief
There is a common question that many ask – the question is “What is my purpose?” It is very difficult for another to answer something that is so personal to your soul contract.
A Course In Miracles is a book that talks a bit about life’s purpose. Summarized the ACIM definition of life purpose is to be the best human that you can be. To be that best person does not mean you have to write a book, or be a musician, or a great politician, or healer. It means that you have to be as kind, compassionate, and forgiving as you can, every day.
I think that many people confuse their gifts – singing, art, writing, leading, or whatever the gift is, with their life purpose. I think that one’s gift can help them be the best human they can be. My observation is that many people sacrifice their human-ness for their gifts, believing that they are answering a higher calling. The relationship wreckages left along the way make their calling suspect.
However, each person has the right to follow their path, and to do it without explaining it to anyone.
May you find your way.
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
Spirit Speaks - People who inspire
Sometimes, Spirit give you a nudge and says, “You really think too small. Why don’t you do something that will make a difference to many people, not just yourself.”
Spirit directed me to the TED Talks, and I watched this amazing lady, Candy Chang, do a presentation on “Before I Die…”. It is indeed worth watching.
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
Spirit Animal – Hawk
The Hawk swooped down from the tree and grabbed a mouse from the field. It flew back up to the top of a tree to eat. It seemed that before it finished the first meal, it was aiming its flight back to the ground to pick up another meal.
This was the fifth hawk in the last two days that was chasing down food. Something was going on for me and Hawk was trying to help me understand the message in all the different events. The events were all related to the work that seemed to be piling up on me – yard work, house work, dealing with vegetables and fruit that were ripe, and office work.
I realized that Hawk is responsible for feeding itself – no one else does that. Sick or fit, happy or sad, Hawk must go out every day and hunt for food. I was doing that – hunting and preparing food. No one else will do it for me. It is the way of Nature.
Somehow, that realization was comforting. I was going with the flow of Nature. I was “seeing” like Hawk, and could see what had to be done, without emotion or stories. I had the big picture.
May you be objective in your view of life.
Monday, 3 September 2012
Spirit Animal–Three Hornets
Today, I sat down to work at my laptop on a project. As I started to open Microsoft Word, a strange message came up, telling me that I had been hit by a virus and that I needed to download a virus patch.
I recognized the message as a fake, and I immediately turned off access to the internet. I then tried to use my virus removal software. However, clever hacker had written the virus to block any program that scanned and removed viruses, Trojans, spyware, or worms.
I was very angry at the hacker that wrote this code. Coincidently, I was feeling upset about all the yard work that I still had to do, and, I was upset that my dishwasher was not working properly. I was also sitting in the kitchen. As I was thinking all these things, three Hornets flew through the open door and settled in the kitchen, at the window, close to my chair.
The three Hornets were pretty agitated that they could see where they wanted to go – the big outdoors – through the glass, but, they could not get there. The buzzing got louder and louder. The Fool in me (the Fool is the first card in the Tarot) laughed and said, “Well, isn’t that Nature imitating Life!”
I had to laugh too.
Although Hornet has a bad reputation, she is about working with the Earth, about being grounded, about being secluded, and about leaving others alone. Nothing makes a Hornet angrier than being disturbed in its work. Again, I laughed. I was imitating Nature.
Common sense kicked in, and I realized that I would need to fix my laptop, and delete the virus. I also realized that it would probably take some time.
Since all things are perfect, I knew that I was not meant to work on that particular task today.
I am grateful!
Sunday, 2 September 2012
Spirit Speaks–One View of Relationships
It seems that the Earth is in a time of rebalancing the relationships – between Mother and child, and Father and child, and husband and wife, and between humans and other animals.
This Proverb of the Cherokee rings true for me. In all the animals, the male protects the female, especially when the woman is carrying offspring. Humans more than any other animal seem to have forgotten the role of the protector. The Protector has become the hunter of women and children and the abuser of those he is to protect.
May you be protected by a champion. If you are a champion, may you walk with grace.
Saturday, 1 September 2012
From Judy - On Relationships
I have taken the month of August off – from writing, from doing things, from having much contact with the outside world other than what I must do to keep a roof over my head. The dogs and I walk early and stay to our selves.
I have been working on my relationship with myself. I understand that I am undergoing great changes as the energies shift around us. I see my life changing and also changing is my relationship with the people that I know. Some are leaving, and some new “family” is arriving.
Where ever we are in our journey, we can always learn from other beings, especially animals. This story makes me happy – it is a tribute to kindness in relationships.
A dog’s seeing eye dog
Lily is a Great Dane that has been blind since a bizarre medical condition required that she have both eyes removed. For the last 5 years, Maddison, another Great Dane, has been her sight. The two are, of course, inseparable.
(via Weird Universe, Daily Record, The Sun)
May you be blessed with much love!
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I am happy to announce that my book is now available on…
Earth Wisdom Meditations: 111 Contemplations For People Who Love The Earth [Paperback] Judith Hirst(Author) A Kindle version is also available.