“Spider Woman is an important goddess among many south-western Native American tribes. Though occasionally destructive, she is nearly always portrayed as beneficent. The Keresan Spider Woman created everything there is by thinking, dreaming, or naming; she taught the people how to plant seeds.
Cherokee Grandmother spider brought people the sun and fire. She taught them pottery, weaving, and how to make ceremonial blessings. Spider Woman is responsible for bringing fire among the Pueblo, Tewa and Kiwa tribes. A spider woman called Biliku, found in the Indian subcontinent, also brought fire and light.
For the Hopi, Spider Woman is a creator who helped the people during their emergence, created the moon, has the power to give and take life, and is connected to hunting and agriculture.”
(Text: Michael Babcock, Picture: Susan Boulet, from the Goddess Knowledge Cards)
Great Spirit has many helpers who work tirelessly to spread love, light, and joy. One of these helpers is Grandmother Spider.
Grandmother Spider was our guide last night in the new moon meditation circle. She walked us through three meditations. It is the first one which I would like to share with you.
Meditation of Words
Find a quiet place to sit. Ask the Archangels from the highest levels and planes to come and surround you and keep you safe while you do your meditation. Ask them to be above you and below you as you meditate.
Then, visualize a path before you that goes through a small meadow towards a grove of trees.
Follow the path through the meadow and smell the fresh green grass and the deep mellow smell of the Earth. These smells are so different than the smells in the city.
As you get closer to the grove, see that this is a small grouping of trees – some pine, and cedar, some oak, some poplar, some mountain ash or rowan trees with their bright, red berries, and some saplings of poplar and maple with a few cranberry and saskatoon bushes to complete the grove.
You can smell the pine and cedar, and they refresh you.
Now you enter the grove, and you see that it is actually a ring of trees around an open space. In this space are five flat stones which are perfect for sitting on and meditating.
You go and sit on one of them. You notice activity and you see that your guardian angels from the highest realms have also come to sit with you. You feel safe and protected.
You close your eyes, and wait.
Soon Grandmother Spider comes into the circle and touches your shoulder. You open your eyes.
She smiles at you and she gives you the gift of your words that you need to hear – words that are important for your life and your action right now.
Listen to them.
Repeat them so you can write them down later.
Grandmother Spider might then give you a little vision around the words. Or, she might give you more information tonight in dream time. Either way is perfect.
Thank Grandmother Spider for her words.
Sit quietly and meditate on the words.
When you are ready, thank your guardian angels for being present, and then take the path and follow it back to where you started.
When you are ready, return to the now moment.
Thank your Archangels for being present and protecting the space.
Sit quietly for a few minutes before going back to your regular routine.
Remember to write down your words!
Have a wonderful day!
Saturday/Sunday, November 20-21, 2010, 9:30am to 4:30pm both days
This is a comprehensive workshop that goes to the heart of how crystals work with light and our bodies for healing, balancing, and much more. See more about the workshop here.
See the October Magazine on line atwww.angelsandancestors.com/newsletter/mag1010.pdf