To everyone,
Today, I share a message that came to me from the wonderful folks at Go Gratitude Experiment. I give thanks to Stacey and the ground crew at Go Gratitude for sharing this.
Beloveds -
A unique and visionary soul passed away today, Dr. Masaru Emoto.

Through Dr. Emoto's work with the consciousness of water, he brought new understanding to the power of thought, vibration, and our collective influence on the quality of our lives and creation.
It was Dr. Emoto's work that catalyzed the inception of Go Gratitude so many years ago, inspiring us to see the hidden messages in water, note the fractal nature of creation and embark on a path of grateful living. His offerings have influenced the paths and lives in multitudes of beings, and will continue to do so for many generations.

-images from Dr. Emotos experiments with words, prayers and water, capturing vibrational signatures recorded in water.
Here is the message we received today, on his passing:
"Dear friends of Masaru,
Early this morning, Masaru has passed away. His wife was with him.
Since he became ill in Shanghai, he has received so much love and gratitude from his dear friends of all over the world. He was very encouraged and happy to receive your kind messages with love.
His last word was "Arigato". ("Thank you" in Japanese) We believe his last word was to you, everybody. He was so grateful for you
and thanked you all so very much.
He used to say, "Life is LOVE which is a gift from God and parents, and DEATH is gratitude for going to a new dimension".
So now he is in another dimension and continues to look over us warmly with love and gratitude.
We are going to carry on his mission of spreading the power of "love and gratitude".
We thank you very much for offering prayers for Dr. Emoto, and please send your love, light, and gratitude to him once again.
With much love and gratitude,
IHM Staff"
Please join us in offering prayers of Love and Gratitude to our mentor, teacher and champion of conscious living as he flows into his next great adventure.
Arigato, Masaru Emoto. Thank you for being a beautiful shining
crystal of Light.
Signed with flowing tears of Love and Gratitude,
Stacey Robyn
and the ground crew of Go Gratitude
P.S. Here is Dr. Emoto's FB page, for those inspired to share offerings here:
"Water has a memory and carries within it our thoughts and prayers.
As you yourself are water, no matter where you are, your prayers will be carried to the rest of the world." ~ Masaru Emoto
Go Gratitude
7650 s. McClintock Dr
Ste. 103-342
Tempe, Arizona 85284-1672