Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Angels Speak - Believing In Yourself



This poster is a great reminder that others will never believe in us if we do not believe in our self.  More importantly, often even when we do believe in our self, others work against us because we do not follow their belief and “they” cannot be wrong.  What a strange world!

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Spirit Animal - Herd In Motion


Spirit Horse Speaks:

“We are at a time of the Great Herd.  We see it.  As a Herd, we know to protect the mares and the foals.  They are the future.  Yes, we will lose some to the natural course of events.  We stallions do not turn on our off spring and kill them or abuse them.  We work to give them life.  We do not make war on our own kind.  We set boundaries and share meadows and great fields.  We drink at the lake with the cougar and the bear.  We are the model.  Heed this well.”


Spirit Animal - Sink or Swim


This picture tells such a story!  Little Elephant was so brave when he jumped into the water.  He did not know how deep the water was because the bottom was hidden.

All of a sudden, the Earth was pulled out from under him.  He felt so afraid.  There was nothing he could touch, except, all that water.  He could see his Mother.  She always protected him.  Why did she not help?  He could see the shore.  However, he was so afraid that he could not move. 

Baby Elephant shows us ourselves, our fear.  Sometimes we are so fearful that we are stuck.  We do not know how to reach out for help.  Swim.  Hit for land.  Ask for help.


Friday, 24 October 2014

Spirit Speaks - Something



I saw this poster, and I decided that it did not need any explanation.  I feel those “somethings” from time to time, and I am sure that you do.  Sometime, it really is a case of identifying the “something” that gets in your way.


Spirit Speaks - Wishes


On Tuesday, I had somebody say that they wished they were me.  I was flabbergasted!  And, I was curious.  I asked why they wanted to be me.

The answer was, “Well, your life seems so perfect.  You don’t really seem to have to work hard for anything.”

I started to laugh.  I work very hard.  A lot of my hard work is behind the scenes, however. To keep up to date on technology, I read many blogs and newsletter (and sometimes I just skim them, focusing in on things that interest me), and download software, or take online courses. I have two big dogs that need walking and some play time everyday.  I write one blog and contribute to another.  The list goes on.  Sometimes, even when I am tired, I “do” and the tiredness lifts.

I use my story as an example of how people perceive a situation, without having any facts.  It seems some people decide that something is a certain way, and then create the story to support it. I am flattered that someone thinks my life is easy.  It confirms that that person does not hear me complain.

It might be interesting to ask people around you –not close friends – if they think your life is easy.  And, is there anybody that you might wish to be?


Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Spirit Speaks - Are You On The Uphill or the Downhill?



I am always grateful to those who share their stories, not just the stories that they write to sell as fiction or self help; I mean the stories that they share about themselves.  The Poster above comes from the famous “Harry Potter” author. 

If someone who has hit rock bottom can come back as a multimillionaire over a period of seven years, then each of us can achieve this type of movement – uphill.  However, as Rowling points out, she had to do the downhill thing, first.

I have been trying to decide if I am on the uphill or the downhill.  When I do the life line test, I am on the uphill.  Yippee!

Where are you?


Monday, 20 October 2014

Angels Speak - Positive Living



Picture is from https://plus.google.com/+Thelawofattractioncom/posts

Funny how things happen in one’s life, isn’t it?  I was thinking about how things were going at work and how I need time to work on our kitchen renovation project.  My thoughts were jumbled.  The Angels always know how to get me back on track.  The picture popped up in my email.  It made me laugh!  I hope it makes you laugh, too.


Sunday, 19 October 2014

Spirit Speaks - What is on your “Someday” List?



I had a very busy work week this past week and had to put off several things that I wanted to do with friends and family.  I was feeling somewhat sorry for myself.  One of my friends sent me this poster.

I realized that my business life was dictating my whole life this week.  I checked with my friends and heard the same thing from them.  It seems that all of us are out of balance.  Life is too short to stay out of balance.  I am making changes.  Are you?


JUDY'S ANGELS AND ANCESTORS BLOG: Spirit Animal - Dog Is For Everyone

JUDY'S ANGELS AND ANCESTORS BLOG: Spirit Animal - Dog Is For Everyone

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Notes from Judy - Destiny and Fate and Career


Fate is what we resign to, while Destiny is what we work towards…

modified quote from Rick Jarow, PH.D.’s audio book called, “The Ultimate Anti-Career Guide”.    You can order this from the website for Sounds True.  (http://www.soundstrue.com/shop/The-Ultimate-Anti-Career-Guide/470.pd)

As we move through life, we all question why we are doing the work or career that we seem to be locked into.  Many people do make career changes. We see people make up to three career changes in their lifetime.  However, it is a difficult process.

The ANTI-CAREER GUIDE talks about the spiritual process involved in making career choices as well as the practical requirements for careers.  I found the meditations very thought provoking.

If you are in a place of chaos around your career, you may find his set of CDs very helpful. 


Spirit Animal - Marmot Whistles


Every time that I hear a high pitched whistle, I think of the Rocky Mountain Marmot.  Marmot is like a big squirrel crossed with a gopher.  She and her pack live in the higher altitudes of the Rocky Mountains, up and down the west coast of North America. 

Marmot is very shy.  However, if she thinks that she can trust you, she and her babies will come as close as they dare, and then whistle for a handout.  Marmot has a variety of whistles.  Each whistle, like the words in English, have a different meaning.

The evening whistle is my favourite.  It sounds of running through the rocks, scrounging for food, and of the smell of lichen and spruce and fir trees.  It sings of successes and satisfaction.  Most of all, it sings of freedom to be a Marmot.

The whistles that Marmot makes remind me that not all of nature has been subdued and bullied into being a servant to man.  Good job, Marmot.


Friday, 17 October 2014

Spirit Animal - Dog Is For Everyone


We all know that Dog comes to us to “help” us in some area of our lives.  We may have had Dog so long that we have forgotten when and why they appeared.   When we ask for help, and we get a DOG, even the most disbelieving of a higher consciousness should be asking where did DOG come from?

What would happen if the Universe sent an ANGEL instead?  Well,

  • people around you would disbelieve and say that either you are crazy or that it is a plot by some government.  Or, worse, that it is a conspiracy.
  • you would have a very difficult time looking at them because their light is so bright, and they give off a lot of heat – like a furnace – so you could not stay near them for any length of time.
  • since Angels can’t swim as they hover, you can’t take them swimming, out on your surfboard, or in your canoe or boat.  Dogs are great swimming companions.
  • I have not heard of anyone taking their Angel for a walk, but I suppose it is possible.

Dog, the shining example of unconditional love, is the answer to giving people the HELP that they need.  Dog is the guardian angel.  Dog is the Animal Guide.  Dog is the Blessing, Spirit Animal, guided by Archangels and Great Spirit, letting their person roll in the Abundance of love.  How cool is that?


Goodbye Dr. Emoto


To everyone,

Today, I share a message that came to me from the wonderful folks at Go Gratitude Experiment.  http://www.gogratitude.com/  I give thanks to Stacey and the ground crew at Go Gratitude for sharing this.




Beloveds -
A unique and visionary soul passed away today, Dr. Masaru Emoto.

Through Dr. Emoto's work with the consciousness of water, he brought new understanding to the power of thought, vibration, and our collective influence on the quality of our lives and creation.
It was Dr. Emoto's work that catalyzed the inception of Go Gratitude so many years ago, inspiring us to see the hidden messages in water, note the fractal nature of creation and embark on a path of grateful living.  His offerings have influenced the paths and lives in multitudes of beings, and will continue to do so for many generations.

-images from Dr. Emotos experiments with words, prayers and water, capturing vibrational signatures recorded in water.

Here is the message we received today, on his passing:

"Dear friends of Masaru,

Early this morning, Masaru has passed away. His wife was with him.

Since he became ill in Shanghai, he has received so much love and gratitude from his dear friends of all over the world. He was very encouraged and happy to receive your kind messages with love.

His last word was "Arigato". ("Thank you" in Japanese) We believe his last word was to you, everybody. He was so grateful for you
and thanked you all so very much.

He used to say, "Life is LOVE which is a gift from God and parents, and DEATH is gratitude for going to a new dimension".
So now he is in another dimension and continues to look over us warmly with love and gratitude.

We are going to carry on his mission of spreading the power of "love and gratitude".

We thank you very  much for offering prayers for Dr. Emoto, and please send your love, light, and gratitude to him once again.
With much love and gratitude,

IHM Staff"

Please join us in offering prayers of Love and Gratitude to our mentor, teacher and champion of conscious living as he flows into his next great adventure. 

Arigato, Masaru Emoto. Thank you for being a beautiful shining
crystal of Light.

Signed with flowing tears of Love and Gratitude,

Stacey Robyn

and the ground crew of Go Gratitude

P.S.  Here is Dr. Emoto's FB page, for those inspired to share offerings here:


"Water has a memory and carries within it our thoughts and prayers.
As you yourself are water, no matter where you are, your prayers will be carried to the rest of the world." ~ Masaru Emoto

Go Gratitude
7650 s. McClintock Dr
Ste. 103-342
Tempe, Arizona 85284-1672

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Spirit Animal - Blue Jay’s Joke


Blue Jay loves to play practical jokes.  He will watch from a tree until he sees an unsuspecting cat or dog out in a yard for a bit of walk.  He will swoop down on them suddenly, screaming “Jay, jay!”.  He laughs as they leap, startled from their reverie in nature. 

What prompts Blue Jay to play these little jokes?  Blue Jay reminds us to be wary of the unexpected in the environment.  When we are out and about, we need to be mindful of what is around us.  If it seems too quiet, perhaps that is the first warning of something unusual about to happen.

Blue Jay also tells us that life is full of harmless pranksters.  Each of us is alternately the prankster and the one who is pranked.  Who will you be today?


Sunday, 5 October 2014

Spirit Animal - Spider Weaves


The Spider has the gift of understanding the mathematical system of the Universe.  This is why all of the webs are so symmetrical and strong.  Legends tell us that the weaving of different webs represents the way that different galaxies are laid out.  This is because Grandmother Spider has the memory of all time in her head. 

The stories go on to talk about the different weavings and why they are so beautiful.  They are the weavings of light that surround the celestial heavens, brought to a third dimensional view.  The way the sunlight glistens off the water drops on a web make this idea seem possible.

Other stories talk about the way that Spider weaves a web based on the emotions in the area.  If the emotions are strong and on the dark side, the web is not symmetrical, but weighted to one side with a center that is not the center.  If the emotions are happy and the place is spiritual, the web is large and concentric.

Who knows what is true? 


Friday, 3 October 2014

Spirit Animal - Elephant Tales


When something comes up in your life three times or more in several days, one must pay attention.  What was coming up for me was Elephant.  Elephant was walking through the deserts, jungles, and over the mountains.  She was beating a path for people to follow to find their connection to the Earth.  Greed is not unique to humans. However, the scale of greed and the harm to others is definitely unique to the human species on planet Earth.  The Elephant talks of suffering at the hands of human poachers whose greed leads them to wound Elephant and to cut off their tusks, leaving them to bleed out.

Wherever there is greed, harm will be done to the Earth and to the animals, as well as to humans.  Elephant asks us to stop this sense of entitlement, and to return to being a steward of the Earth. 


Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Buddha Speaks - Being Enlightened



Enlightenment is like the moon reflected on the water. The moon does not get wet, nor is the water broken. Although its light is wide and great, the moon is reflected even in a puddle an inch wide. The whole moon and the entire sky are reflected in dewdrops on the grass, or even in one drop of water.  - Eihei Dogen, "Genjokoan"

I was chatting with friends and the topic of enlightenment came up.  Here is how we define enlightenment according to Wikipedia.  “The English term "enlightenment" has commonly been used to translate several Sanskrit, Pali, [web 2] Chinese and Japanese terms and concepts, especially bodhi, prajna, kensho, satori and buddhahood. Bodhi is a Theravada term. It literally means "awakening" and "understanding".”

Our discussion seemed to conclude that enlightenment was actions that worked both for the individual and the community and the environment, because, in this way, you harm no one.  I think that more and more people are becoming enlightened.  However, as the population grows, it seems like less beings are enlightened. 
