One of my friends sent me this poster, and, I love it! I have two dogs and I think that everyday, they bring joy to my home and to other people. Every night, I ask the Archangels to watch over them and to keep them safe from harm.
When I say that they bring joy to other people, I see that so often. Today, in the dog park, my friend, who has her own dog, said to me, “I feel guilty because Magic is my favorite dog.” Her guilt was that she loved her dog very much, but that because she and Magic had a special friendship, she loved Magic very much.
Several days ago, Magic, Merlin, and I were out for an early morning walk at 6:15am. As we walked along the grass, we watched a young man (late teens or early twenties) walk up the stairs to get to the top of the hill where we were walking. At the top, he turned and walked towards us. He walked hunched forward, like all the weight of the world was on him. Merlin started to act silly. He would jump over Magic and race to me and jump. I tossed the frisbee and he jumped, twisted and landed, with a big grin on his face. Soon, the young man was laughing at him and trying to coax Merlin to give him the frisbee. The young man’s shoulders relaxed and he was caught in the moment where nothing matters. I felt so lucky that I had special dogs.