You are searching for the inner rhythm – sometimes in money, sometimes in power, sometimes in prestige, sometimes in so many kinds of relationships. You go on begging. You want to know something of the transcendental, you are thirsty for the transcendental.
Once in a while, even in ordinary life, it happens. You have those few moments when suddenly one day you wake up in the morning and everything seems to fit perfectly. The birds are singing, the air is fragrant, the sun is rising, and suddenly you feel that all is quiet. You are no longer separate for a moment...you feel a great joy arising in you for no reason at all. You suddenly feel vibrant, utterly rejuvenated, at home. Maybe the night’s deep sleep and rest, maybe the beautiful morning, the song of the birds, the fresh air, the dewdrops on the grass leaves shining in the early sun – all this created the context. Not by your effort, but just by accident you fell in harmony with yourself and with existence.
And remember, it happens always together: whenever you fall in harmony with yourself, you fall in harmony with existence too.
~~~from Osho~~~ The Inner Rhythm of Being