Today, I traveled north to Lloydminster to work with a client. It is an hour or so, small plane ride. I picked up my rental car. As I slid into the car, I thought that the car really smelled like horse smell. That gave me a chuckle because on the rental form, it says that no pets are allowed in the car, and you have to initial that clause.
As I drove along the road, towards the city, I saw a white horse trot through a field towards me. Because the roads seem narrow, I turned my attention back to my driving. When I glanced toward the field, I could not see the horse.
I pulled up to the stop sign, and a truck drove past with a picture of a galloping white horse on it. My thoughts were around – that’s odd… two white horses in about five minutes. There must be a message for me.
As I was pulling on to the highway, I glanced up at the sky. The sun was setting. The clouds were shaped like a silhouette of a running horse. I blinked, and it was gone. Three white horses in about fifteen minutes.
Similar to the experience with the rabbits, (http://angelsandancestors.blogspot.ca/2012/11/spirit-animal-three-jack-rabbits-in.html ) I asked for help in understanding the significance of the white horse. Over the next hour or so, the message became clear.
- Now is the time to stretch and run with your ideas and what you know. This is a time to be ahead of the herd. Being solitary gives you a chance to experience so much.
- Remember that you are very strong – stronger than one should be. It is the time to use this strength to stay where you are. Set boundaries. Seek counsel as one does with due diligence, however, make the choice yourself.
- There are no limits! Go high! Go low! Carry the message.