Monday, 24 August 2009

Tarot Discussion – Osho Card 27 - Healing



The card 27 – Healing – from the Osho Zen Tarot Deck.


Our world is one of action – reaction.  We do something, possibly thinking it is quite innocent, and someone takes offence to it.  They re-act to our act. They retaliate with words, physical assault, or a combination of both types of behaviour.  Generally, our ego response is to re-act to their re-act to our act.  Act has two distinct meanings.  The first meaning is “to do”.  The second meaning is “a formal record of something done or transacted.  The second meaning tell us that each act is being recorded.  Those people working through their spiritual growth will know that this recording happens in the Akashic Records. 

Osho gives us a nice lesson on healing this cycle of act-react on the Healing Card. This is the information that matches the card.  “You carry your wound. With the ego, your whole being is a wound. And you carry it around. Nobody is interested in hurting you, nobody is positively waiting to hurt you; everybody is engaged in safeguarding his own wound. Who has got the energy? But still it happens, because you are so ready to be wounded, so ready, just waiting on the brink for anything.

You cannot touch a man of Tao. Why? - because there is no one to be touched. There is no wound. He is healthy, healed, whole. This word whole is beautiful. The word heal comes from the whole, and the word holy also comes from the whole. He is whole, healed, holy.
Be aware of your wound. Don't help it to grow, let it be healed; and it will be healed only when you move to the roots. The less the head, the more the wound will heal; with no head there is no wound. Live a headless life. Move as a total being, and accept things.

Just for twenty-four hours, try it - total acceptance, whatsoever happens. Someone insults you, accept it; don't react, and see what happens. Suddenly you will feel an energy flowing in you that you have not felt before.” Sign up for Free Newsletter  September issue will soon be released.


  1. That was one of those reads that hit a spot.. i will try to give this a go for the next 24 hours.. one day at a time :)

    I love reading your blog and so very often something comes along just when I need to hear it.. Thank you x

  2. Thanks for the feedback. I love that you find some words of wisdom in my blog.
    Blessings, Judy


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