It is true! The Angels say that humans can show so much compassion for others, and even cry at commercials on television because they tug at our heart. They go on to say that we do not seem to be able to show compassion for our self. We see the “self” as someone who needs to be bullied, harangued, and mocked. We are harder on our self than any other person could be.
Change that now. Put your left hand over your heart. Use your right hand, if left is your dominant hand. Then put your right hand over the left. Close your eyes. Breathe. See the golden light around you. Know that you are safe. Now, in your mind, see a river, meandering between two banks. On each bank, the grass is green and dotted with flowers. A forest starts up several hundred yards away. The river flows peacefully now, but sometimes, it rages and overflows its banks. Other times, it is a trickle in the bottom of the river channel. Always it moves. Always it flows. Finally, it merges with a larger body of water… a lake, sea, or ocean.
We are like the river. We need to keep flowing. We do not need to stop what we do or how we do it unless we choose. Go with the flow of your life. Stop several times a day and put both hands on your heart. Give your self some compassion.