"If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world." -old Chinese saying
The primary objective of feng shui is to increase the positive energy flow in all environments by improving balance, harmony, order, beauty, function, and safety.
So why is this Ying Yang ball important and why is Feng Shui important? The important thought is around "harmony" and "balance". If we look around the world, it seems that so much is out of balance and that harmony in homes, between friends, and certainly between nations is at an all time low. It also seems that Mother Earth herself is out of balance and is listing to one side. People everywhere seem to be complaining about the heavy energy or low energy that assails them from time to time. Mostly though, people just seem to be complaining. With all of that negativity, the "muck" in the atmosphere is getting thicker and weighing down all of us. We see this in the unkindness to one another expressed by bullying, road rage, suicide and domestic violence in the G-7 countries (Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United States), and in the internal and external political violence in other countries.
How do we correct this? The answer lies in the old Chinese saying - create harmony within the home and family so that they do not buy in to the concepts of scarcity and fear that are being paraded by the media everyday. In fairness to the media, the politicians do tend to feed the frenzy to protect their positions. If we all got along and all lived in peace and could decide things by consensus - we would not need politicians or lawyers. Politicians, lawyers, and controversy thrive because we have been brought up on the love of power and the belief in scarcity. Those belief systems actually begin in the home environment for many of us. We see parents compete and struggle to dominate one another, their children, and their extended family and friends. We see teachers struggle within their system to control their outcome. Many times, the control turns to a need for power which manifests into classrooms feeling like small war zones as the teachers and students battle.
Enter Feng Shui. How would things differ if we could bring balance, harmony, beauty, function, safety, and most of all a sense of order to each home and business. When people feel the harmony, their well being is transformed because they find beauty in the feeling of safety and the order of their world. Everything has its place, and there is not any place that is empty so therefore there is not scarcity. Yes, this is over simplified. However the idea is to "see" the cause and effect that may bring about change. We are all looking for that place of peace where we can experience great joy and a feeling of kinship with everyone.