Friday 27 June 2008

When Great Spirit Talks Through Deer

 deer_night 001                                                      

    "A deer on the path at night!" 

     copyright Sept 2007 S. Roger Joyeux, used with permission.

More and more, people are sharing with me the very strange encounters they seem to be having with animals - both domestic and wild animals.  They are puzzled about the incident, and because the actions seem so strange, they roll the story over and over in their mind.  Still, the person doses not get any satisfaction from trying to interpret the incident and feels slightly frustrated that "this big event" happened and they don't know why.

We human beings have lost our close connection with nature in general, and therefore, have lost our understanding of the language of animals and birds, and even the plants and trees and rocks that we may encounter.  The language is both verbal and action or body behaviour specific. 

In the picture above, the deer stepped out onto the path, in the fall, at about 9:30pm at night.  Roger and I were both rather startled because she showed very little concern and just ambled in front of us, allowing Roger to snap a great picture of her.  Since deer are usually quite timid and flighty, and because she looked at us quite pointedly from time to time, we knew she was trying to tell us something.  Even though she looked ordinary, it was clear that she was not an ordinary deer!  Deer have an acute sense of hearing and will hear noises half a mile away.  This deer did not need to be on our path.

So, what was she trying to share with us?  Deer have an ability to see very clearly in dusk and darkness, the times that they are the most vulnerable.  Shaman believe that this gives the deer the ability to see the deeper meaning of life around them, and understand the symbology of the events around them.  Well, that means that the message that she is showing us is about several things.  We see her message as being:

1.  Look more closely at the items that cross your path, for they have a deeper meaning than the surface message would appear.  (Talk about symbology! In fact, the second level that shaman work with in a situation, after dealing with the physical, is the "symbol".  Perhaps she was trying to communicate that to me since I was getting more and more activity in my Shamanic practise.)

2.  When one walks an unknown path, there is truly nothing to fear. As deer hears and sees, she counsels us to tap more deeply in to our clairaudient and clairvoyant abilities to discern what is real and what is illusion.  The illusion coupled with our fear makes all events much more dramatic and drains our energy.

3.  Deer are universally regarded as beings of peace.  How clearly deer was demonstrating to us that one can walk through life peacefully, regardless of what is on the path ahead of you! She also demonstrated that one may interact with others that are unknown, and have an uplifting experience.

We came away from this encounter marvelling at the beauty of the experience.  I had a feeling of awe and contentment that was Roger's feeling as well. We both realized that Great Spirit had stepped into speak with us using one of the most gentle creatures that walks Mother Earth. We had received a blessing.

We wish you many wonderful animal encounters that will uplift your spirit and make your heart sing.


Judy and Roger

(See our July newsletter at July Tidings of Interest)



  1. In the last 2 weeks I have had 5 unusual encounters with deer. There were 2 I managed to photograph from a boat, that were browsing along the shore, then, in mid-day a spotted fawn stood very still locking eyes with me, then last night and again this morning a deer came out of the woods to show herself to me along the road. I've been driving that road for years now and seldom see any, never mid-day like these. This morning I was thinking about the meaning or message spirit of deer had for me when she showed herself yet again. Right before I saw the fawn, I had had a wonderful time on the lake with my grandbabies and was thanking great spirit for the gift of life, and the day, and health, just radiating my gratitude, alone in a clearing in a forest, and then, there was the fawn.
    It always feels so magical.

  2. Ruth,
    Thanks for sharing your story of the encounter with Deer. I believe that you did have a magical encounter with Deer, and that Fawn was honoring you for your love of your grandchildren. One of the other messages from Spirit Deer is about the awareness of family. Particularly, Deer offers that the young should be protected and loved so that they have the confidence to go out into the world with confidence when they are grown.
    It sounds like your grandchildren will have happy memories of their time with you. What a blessing!

  3. I found your blog via a google search and had to write. I live in a rural/farmland area of NJ, just outside of the Pine Barrens. It is unusual for my development to NOT have deer as many of our neighboring communities have deer everywhere.

    My father passed in 2005. A day following his death, and for 3 days after that, we saw deer in our development, about 3 doors down from our home. Since then, we have only seen deer on only a few different occasions - generally coinciding with a death or birth. How crazy?

    This year, we have seen them three times. In April and May, coinciding with the births of our newest nephew and niece. And again last Saturday night. Which made me not surprised when I got the phone call on Sunday a.m. that my Grandfather had passed on.

    What is even stranger, I believe, is that there were three bucks and one doe on Saturday night. My father, his brother and my grandmother have all passed on. Could that have been the omen that it was my Grandfather who was to be called next?

  4. Thanks for writing, Coffee! It does sound like you have a wonderful relationship with Deer, and, in your life, that it wants to prepare you for different events. How wonderful! I believe that Deer was giving you some warning of your GF's passing.
    Many blessings, Judy

  5. Dear Judy,

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I had one last night that was nearly identical. Through my job I was able to connect with a family member that I had not seen in 40 years. He invited me to his annual holiday party to reunite with his 5 siblings and their families (at least 30 people were there).

    As I was leaving I noticed that I had broken the mount for my GPS and was struggling to keep it in place. I had gone only a few feet on a very dark, narrow, curvy, tree-lined road when it slid. I saw something to the right of my car and clearly knew it was a deer but didn't process the image because I was distracted. It suddenly stepped out and stood in front of my car. Fortunately I was going slowly and was able to stop easily but it was so close I couldn't see her legs. She stood there making eye contact with me for at least 30 seconds and then continued to the other side of the road.

    I was a bit shaken since I could have easily hit her if I had been going faster but was absolutely blown away and knew she had a message for me. Thank you for deciphering it. It definitely makes sense and I also feel blessed.

    I am working on my wildlife rehabilitator license and am now having many encounters with animals but this one is clearly special and the memory will not leave me for a long, long, time.

    I wish you peace, love and happiness.


  6. My dear cousin passed away in her hospital bed last night in Edson Alberta from a failed Liver. as she took her last breath at 11:30pm - 2 deer approached the hospital window. Your messages above gave me comfort in that there is a deeper spiritual meaning.

  7. My condolences on your loss.
    Blessings, Judy

  8. Last night after coming home from new years celebration I saw two deer miles apart grazing by the highway-Not scared, just grazing. It was an odd thing to see. I saw one on the way to the celebration-the same, just grazing. I think two were female and the third a male. Very odd, I rarly see deer unless running AWAY from the road as cars pass. It felt very momnumental and I felt a sense of happiness when I saw them. Happiness is a rare thing for me these days. It felt like a message given just to me.

  9. Today on our walk along the wooded creek by the ancient native village which is now a museum site with our dog, we noticed 2 large deer running along the fence. Our dog was loose and gave chase. She stopped at the fence, which is at the top of the ravine, sniffing another deer that was struggling to get up. We called the dog back, and Marc climbed the hill to see the problem, and realized the deer was injured and could not use it's hind legs at all. In it's struggle, the deer slid down the hill a ways. It was obviously suffering and scared. We called the police and they came, one officer with a shot gun. We led them back into the woods and met other dog walkers who were also concerned. The deer had slid to the bottom of the hill close to the path. It was still unable to get up but kept trying. When the officer shot it, I watched how peaceful it was compared to the moments before, and knew we did the right thing.
    My question is in the meaning of this encounter. I have recently been journeying and receiving messages from my power animals. My partner Marc and I seem to be heading for a separation, but I am so confused. I wonder if this is a message that our struggle is best to be ended, and that we should be peaceful about it, knowing it's for the best. I love him, but have been unhappy for a long time....I know this is such a small window in my life, but wonder on your thoughts and interpretations? Thanks! Angela

  10. Hi! I had a rare experience yesterday and wanted to share after seeing your site. I live in Lake Havasu City, AZ and as I was kayaking with my little dog in the channel, I had a deer swim across the channel right in front of me! My husband was a little distance behind me in a kayak with our other little dog and was able to catch a couple of pictures on our camera. It's very rare to see a deer in our area, but across the lake a few have been spotted. I can't get the image out of my mind, as I was so excited and couldn't help but think it was some kind of message for me! What a wonderful feeling of love and peace that filled my body! ............I was looking for an answer when I came across your site!

    Thank you!


  11. Jp
    I have had 3 encounters with deer. Once one ran into my car as i was driving down the road. He did get up and move on. My car was not so lucky.This was in the spring of the year. My next encounter was at a park in Fort Washing Md. The deer were grazing and just grazed. The third was a deer leaped across the road just before I arrived at the spot. The last was this morning. I was walking in the park and the deer were again grazing,. and they just stayed as I passed and then they moved on. What is the meaning if any,

  12. Hello, good morning. I saw your link on Google and read the article. I have had many encounters with deer. Ive hit two bucks with a vehicle that i own. The first one jumped out in front of me while i was heading to work. The second one i was working in the late evening, around 2a.m. and i wasnt driving very fast maybe 35 mph when suddenly a 8pt buck jumped in front of my van. I saw him look back and thought for sure he would go back into the field he first came out of so i swerved to the right but he didnt. He jumped when i turned . I was terrified and sad as i watched his lifeless body slid across the hood. But this morning as i drove my husband to work at 9a.m. a female deer ran alongside my car. My first thought was oh God, please dont jump in front of me but she didnt! I was so happy. I couldnt believe that a deer was outside in broad daylight! Then i looked online to find the meaning and found this article. Thank you for clearing up my question. Im still a bit concerned why the males died many years ago but i was able not to hurt the female? Thank you.

    1. Thank you for your story. The doe is representing the rise of the feminine. Blessings.

  13. This morning as I was driving down a back road near my home a momma and baby crossed slowly in front of me.. This evening I went out to the store and crossed paths with a deer strolling next to the train tracks.. Not long after returning from the store I glaced out my bedroom window and there again another deer walking down the middle of the road.. Three times in one day deer crossed my path.. In the city!! I feel like it's a sign of some sort

  14. I saw 3 deer along side the road late one morning after returning from a church event. Does this mean anything

  15. Judy, tonight I went to this creek by my house, and I talked to my sprits, and angels for guidance. Being a lunar eclipse is here, it would be more powerful. And standing on a hill, righ above me, 5 ft away a buck was looking down at me... not threatened at all..I took this in as the angels are letting me know everything will be ok. Thank you angels<3

  16. My husband grew up in Oklahoma where his mother and step father own a cattle ranch and wide spread land to hunt deer. When he goes back home to visit he spends a few days hunting and sets up trail cameras... over The last year he has had interactions with one deer. One specific time, he made the shot and was unsuccessful. Since then, he has seen photos and video of this same deer rubbing it's face and antlers on the trail cameras... one photo captured the deer looking straight in to the camera on a completely different day. These cameras are spread out over acres of land! The most recent trip he to back home he went back and had yet another encounter. He spotted the deer and made eye contact... away from his weapon he moved a few feet to grab and mae his final shot at this deer that has been toying with him over the last fee months where the deer again looks right at him from the distance and sped off...
    I've never been a person of interest in hunting .. but it's something my husband has grown up around, so what can I say.. but now that he has had this rare connection to this animal, he admits to the oddity of this encounter. Why now? Why this deer? He admits to having the possibility of another encounter in the future he would not be able to cause it harm. What is the message this animal has for him? What is this animals connection to my husband?

  17. Yesterday we were camping and a male deer with velvet on his antlers came into the yard and we watched it through the window now today I was sitting in my livingroom and a male deer with velvet on his antlers was standing in the grass lot beside my house and again I sat and watched it through the window. What could this mean?

  18. Ran across your website after Googling about an incident with a deer.
    Over the years I have had a few encounters with deers.
    One was a long time ago (more than 20 years). I was driving down the road at night and a deer (buck) stepped out right in front of me.We looked at each other for a long while till I decided that is was dangerous to sit in the road. I turned off my head lights for just a split second , when I turned them back on it was gone!

    The Next encounter was while I was driving in the morning. It was a gorgeous sight. Went past a field of over grown, topping grass(looked like wheat)and the sun was shining on this field. Soon I realized that the field was loaded with deer and some turned to look at me. It was a sight I will never forget, It all looked so golden.

    This last encounter was very unexpected. Not to long ago maybe a couple of years or so. I was actually at a medical center to see a doctor. I was walking in the parking lot to the door when I suddenly heard what sounded like a car with a flat tire. The sound kept getting closer and closer. I suddenly turned around to see a deer galloping passed me. It was like a movie to me. Even though he was running, it looked like it was in slow motion. Our eyes meet and for a split second it looked as if colors (rainbow) were outlining his wind, like I could or should jump on. Just like time stood still for me. In a whisp he was gone. Running past the medical center into the woods behind it. I often wondered if I should have followed.
    Do you have any idea what these encounter might mean?
    Thank you

  19. Judy, hi...hoping someone can help me to understand what's happening. Both my husband and I are extremely spiritual. We have approx. 20 to 30 deer as part of our property and us at any given time. For twenty yrs. we've understood them until a few yrs. ago! One male literally walked up to both of us and fell over and died (no less on my birthday!) : ( Since then we've had a few that haven't felt good and want to be close to our house so then they end up dying here. Another one today has decided to make this his dying place. What does this mean...does anyone know?

  20. Hi Anonymous,
    Thank you for your story of the deer on your property. As the deer have been on your property for a while, and as you imply that you and your husband take care of the deer and they feel comfortable with you, it may be that they see you as part of the herd, the data keepers so to speak, and leave the Earth close to you so that you remember them. There are other explanations too, that you may have to come to on your own after some introspection.

    Many blessings, Judy

  21. On Monday February 18, approx 12 noon I left my place of work. turning left onto a highway turning into the left lane. I moved over to the right lane no sooner then i moved over bang into the back driver side door, i heard the crash and glass was all over the place inside the car. I look outside the driver widow there was the head of this buck with a huge rack. as i was trying to break to pull over my colon was cramping.i never saw the buck. a guy with whom i work pulled over and saw the entire accident. he could not believe what he saw happen. as i was pulling over i said ok ok god i got the message. I am at a job where i am not making money.

  22. I let hunters hunt here. Now not so sure. Past months I can see deer female and young, 3-or 4 , come on to the fringes of property and browse grass. Not near garden so ok I guess. I give them space, especially since I am a vegetarian and don’t hunt. I really respect and enjoy all wildlife, maybe not so much bears or coyotes which I would probably kill if seen because of possible threat to my grandchildren. Today I interpreted something as unusual, I feel more a message and am disturbed by it. All through my life I have known bucks to be wary, usually unseen while their does browsed. I felt whenever I saw does eating that the Buck was nearby in the woods and have witnessed this.

    So today what happened just 50-100 feet from my house as I glance out my window the Entire family. The Entire family! Buck and all in my presence browsing my grass! Never would I expect a wild buck in broad daylight to be so open and so close. It just doesn’t seem normal. I believe , some might think I am crazy to say, that this 6 point buck brought his whole family 2 does 2 kids here to show me as a form of respect. See, I told you it was crazy. They all casually browsed so close. The only exciting thing seemed to happen when the buck ran up to one of the kids and seemed to chastise it for “pooping” where they were browsing, true! So now the conundrum , do I show this family some Charity and turn the hunters away as it appears the buck wanted to introduce his herd to us, or let the hunts begin.

    What is our moral duty? Are we born carnivores? What if instead of deer they were say ISIS or Muslims or Mongolians. Would the difference is race somehow justify a hunt? But they are only “animals”

  23. Hi Unknown Reader. Thank you for the thoughtful post about hunting on your property. I do believe that everyone has to make up their own mind about hunting on one's property. I will say that it is getting harder and harder for the deer in any country, state, or province, to find a safe haven. Unless a person or family depends on hunting for their food, I would like to see all sport hunting banned to save the animals and to reduce the number of guns (weapons) required. I think it creates very good karma to provide a sanctuary for animals. Blessings, Judith


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