Thursday, 4 September 2008



Photo from

Whenever we want to hide from the world, we humans could take a few tips from nature.    The fawn in this picture blends in beautifully with the brown steps with leaves and seed pods scattered over the surface.  How does the doe or the fawn know that the youngster will blend in so well with the background?  And, how does it know when it is safe to come out of hiding?

Have you ever noticed that there are people like that?  They blend in so that we never really see them.  They mimic what others do so that they will not stand out.  In that camouflage of copying others, these people sometimes lose their identity.  For, unlike the fawn, they continue to do this all their lives and not just from time to time.

Clients who come to me for sessions will have been wearing their masks for so long that they do not know who they are.  They come in with symptoms of  isolation, loss of identity, not feeling grounded in their body, and sometimes they talk about looking at their face in a mirror and not recognizing the face staring back at them.  Camouflage taken to the extreme does that - it causes one to lose the sense of self.  It may also cause the person to lose their grip on reality since they can not tell the reality from the fiction that they have invented.

How do we prevent this from happening?  It is okay to have some fantasies and to protect oneself in different environments by blending in with what is going on.  However, each person needs to have a safety valve - a safe place where they can go to be themselves.  By taking the camouflage/mask off, and putting it back on with deliberation, the person feels the difference between self and the other. 

Shaman have several different methods of helping a person lift their masks.  Other energetic healers also have various methods to help shift the disguises that people use.  Most mask clearings will take several sessions, and, it is worth the time.  When the camouflage is lifted, a shiny new person arrives that now has goals and has a life to live on their terms. 

May you know when to seek cover and when to attract attention for each action balances the other!


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