
Thursday 19 June 2014

Angels Speak - What Do You See?



Looking forward and backward is a common practice.  How often do you look upward, towards the sky, the clouds, the Sun, the Heavens?  When you look up, do you see where you want to be?  Do you see the vision of you in one or two or five years?

It is exciting to have a dream.  Let yourself dream now.  Plant the picture firmly in your mind.


Wednesday 18 June 2014

Angels Speak - Let Us Help You



Have you ever thought that your day was going from bad to worse?  The Angels tell us that they can help… all we need to do is give them the “go ahead and help me” words, and they can pitch right in. 

Many times, the problem over whelms us so that we do not see the easy solution.  That is where the Angels come in.  They know how to help us do things easily, in the flow, so that the sense of doom can go.

Ask them.


Angels Speak - Look How Far You Have Travelled



The Angels watch us all the time.  Just think of what we could see if we had their perspective… we would see all the things that we do every day that are so awesome!  Often, we do not see all the good things that we do.  We judge ourselves as having so much more to do.  We are all guilty of that.  We don’t need to be.  As the commercial says, “You’ve come a long way, Baby!”.


Monday 16 June 2014

Angels Speak - Compassion For One’s Self


It is true!  The Angels say that humans can show so much compassion for others, and even cry at commercials on television because they tug at our heart.  They go on to say that we do not seem to be able to show compassion for our self. We see the “self” as someone who needs to be bullied, harangued, and mocked.  We are harder on our self than any other person could be.

Change that now.  Put your left hand over your heart. Use your right hand, if left is your dominant hand.  Then put your right hand over the left.  Close your eyes.  Breathe.  See the golden light around you.  Know that you are safe.  Now, in your mind, see a river, meandering between two banks.  On each bank, the grass is green and dotted with flowers.  A forest starts up several hundred yards away. The river flows peacefully now, but sometimes, it rages and overflows its banks. Other times, it is a trickle in the bottom of the river channel.  Always it moves. Always it flows.  Finally, it merges with a larger body of water… a lake, sea, or ocean. 

We are like the river.  We need to keep flowing.  We do not need to stop what we do or how we do it unless we choose.  Go with the flow of your life.  Stop several times a day and put both hands on your heart.  Give your self some compassion.


Sunday 15 June 2014

Buddha Speaks - Circumstances


The message in this poster is very timely.  We watch the people in the world around us do good and do harm to other people.  We see that they seem to be working with values that we, the observer, does not understand.  Perhaps we are not meant to understand.  Perhaps we are supposed to be confused by what is happening.  Perhaps there is a balancing going on that is not apparent to the observer.  Perhaps!


Saturday 14 June 2014

Angels Speak - What Do You Want



The conversation at lunch rolled around to what you would do if you could do anything.  Surprisingly, most people ended up not really knowing what they would do.  Some had never even thought about it.

Most of us get into a mode of living that suits our family and our work.  We get a rhythm, and then we do not step outside it.  We may even be afraid to step outside of it.

What will you do?


Thursday 12 June 2014

Angels Speak - Breath Fills You


Breathe in, and breath fills you so that your body functions.  Breathe in and your heart opens.  Breathe in, and life seems to be more colorful.  Breathe in, and feel the rhythm of the heart beat of the Universe. 

Stop breathing.  There is silence. There is calm. There is a sense of fading.

Breathe in, and breath fills you with life.


Wednesday 11 June 2014

Spirit Animal - Turtle’s Expectations



I loved this picture when I saw it because it reminds me that we often see human features in animals. 

Turtle lives a long time, and is very focused on all beings being happy.


Tuesday 10 June 2014

Spirit Animal - Skunk on Black and White


Skunk says that not everything in life is black and white.  In truth, most things have four or five angles, not just two.  Skunk knows because most people think that Skunk is bad, has rabies, and smells.  They can’t seem to find anything good about him. 

Skunk would like you to know about his “good” side.  Have insects plaguing your fields?  Skunk will clean them up.  He will deter moles from making holes in pastures and lawns.  And, he is a natural predator for frogs and snakes. 

If Skunk is showing up in your life, it may be to remind you that your view of the world is very narrow, and that many life situations are grey.


Monday 9 June 2014

Spirit Animal - You “Otter” See This!


People are getting more stressed by life – work, family obligations, politics, studying, and maintaining a home/yard.  Otter comes in to remind us that work and play can exist side by side and that water is the easiest way to have fun.  Swim, dive, splash, and float.  No lake or ocean?  No worries! Find a swimming pool close by and take the family for a swim a week.  Wash away what troubles you, and learn to go with the flow.


Sunday 8 June 2014

Spirit Animal - Badger On Family


Badger has been on the radio recently, as part of a tire advertising campaign.  She is happy with that because her message right now is to take care of each other, and to especially take care of family.  This is a time when family can be divided by beliefs, values, or loyalties.  To divide the family is to lose part of the energetic group that helps keep you balanced on Earth. 

While you may think that your family is the most not-normal family on Earth, everyone feels that way about their family… that is a norm of families.  Badger tells us to love our offspring or siblings, regardless of how far off center they seem.  You see, center is an illusive guideline that means different things to different people. 


Saturday 7 June 2014

Angels Speak - Walking Without The Crowd


While most of us crave companionship on a daily basis, we all do need to have quiet moments and be alone.  It is in being alone that we meet ourselves and assess what we are doing.  Being alone gives us a chance to try thins without the running commentary of family and friends, and, it gives time to find those things that fee our Soul.

As the Earth changes, we change.  We need quiet time to process the changes.  We can discover that we are amazing; that life is amazing; and that the world is amazing. 


Thursday 5 June 2014

Angels Speak - On Being Happy



I keep thinking about how a baby comes into the world with nothing, and how happy a baby is.  As it gets older, and people give it “things”, it becomes unhappy when it doesn’t have “things”.  It does make you wonder what our lives would be like if manufacturing just stopped, and if we did not have things. 

Concentrate on some questions and see what happens as the answers come out. 

  • What made you laugh today?
  • What action happened that gave you a warm, fuzzy feeling?
  • What caused you intense frustration today?


Wednesday 4 June 2014

Angels Speak - Moving Forward


I was at a Leadership and Women conference several weeks ago.  The big theme that came from all of the speakers was that “everyone needs to help themselves” and that sometimes, this means looking for an opportunity that does not exist. 

Although this statement seems like a paradox, the logic is quite natural.  Plants and trees will grow where ever they can, even if the place they are growing seems un-natural.  You have seen trees grow out of the side of a sheer faced cliff; flowers grow out of cracks in a brick wall; grass and weeds growing out of the crack in a  driveway.  The point is – if you see something that looks promising, pursue it.  Who knows what will happen.  Oh, and ask the Angels to help you… they love a challenge!


Tuesday 3 June 2014

Spirit Speaks - A Reflection Of Life



The discussion at the lunch table at work, was around an individual who was known as being difficult and who was causing delays in getting some specific work completed because he could not make up his mind.  Some of the comments were unkind. Some were humorous. 

At the end of the day, however, it does not matter what each of us thinks about another; it is about how well the individual lives with himself or herself, and what they have done to be true to ‘self’.  Standing firm in what one believes in, is in fact, a great show of character. 


Monday 2 June 2014

Spirit Animal - Little Buffalo


Little Buffalo Calf jumps in today, to tell us that life is about enjoyment!  If you cannot have fun and feel the happiness of being in what you are doing, it is time to change up your life.  All Beings are given the love of life and the joy of celebrating feeling good.  Even the oldest animals will kick up their heels when they feel life move through them. 


Sunday 1 June 2014

Spirit Animal–Lady Bug Arrives

Summer arrives when Lady Bug arrives… that’s how I measure summer.  The weather warms up, in the mid 60 degrees, and Lady Bug appears on new leaves.  With her arrival, Lady Bug reminds us:

  • Fresh starts are not a favor; they are a birth right.  Everyone can start over as many times as they want.
  • This is a good time to get grounded and to remember what is important in life… family ties, home, neighborhood, and community.  They will always support you when your work place will not.
  • Every situation is a chance to spread your wings and try something new.  You might fall down.  However, know that you can always get back up!  It is empowering to get back up.
