Thursday 12 February 2009

Ancestors Speak – Uncovering the ANCESTORS on Isle of Wight

The world is going through huge changes in the way we live…

  1. our ancestors started out on a barter system and as we find our financial system no longer viable because of the fraud built into it, we return to a barter system.
  2. our ancestors honoured their elderly by keeping them in the home, however small the home might be.  We put our elderly into residences to be cared for, or not, by others.  And now, these residences are becoming infested with germs that the workers carry into the environment.  Our elderly are abandoned.  And we wonder what will happen to us.
  3. our ancestors kept the bones of the deceased close to the home, quite often in a crypt or mausoleum, because it was easier for the Ancestral Spirits to visit the home and to guard the family.  In turn, it was easier for the living to take gifts (incense, food, flowers, trinkets) to keep on good terms with the Ancestral Spirits so they would continue to act as guardian angels.  Now we bury our dead in cemeteries, sometimes hours from where we live, and we forget them.  We are caught up in the “doing” and we wonder if God has forgotten us.
  4. our ancestors lived using the bounty from the land.  As towns and cities emerged, the age of wastefulness dawned. There was little room in the cities for recycling anything including human waste, and disease spread.  Now, we are aware of wastefulness and governments encourage consumers to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Yet corporations dump waste from cruise ships into the oceans and toxic waste is dumped from factories and research facilities.  The cycle of waste has gotten larger and more lethal.

The outlook may seem dark, yet paganism (shamanism and Buddhism in all its forms) balance out the effects of the negative.  The celebration of love and life, and merging with nature by celebrating Nature, are making big differences.

Perhaps one day archaeologists will be able to dig through the soil and find our perfectly preserved bones in the same way that Dr. Sweetman has been able to uncover the bones of our Ancestors.  130 million years ago, the bones were simply left in place, and so honoured because they were not disturbed – until now. 

Enjoy the read about Sweetman’s discovery!image


The dinosaur hunter who has discovered 48 species in just four years... on the Isle of Wight  By David Derbyshire  Last updated at 10:07 AM on 10th February 2009………..FROM THE ARTICLE>>>>>>Discoveries: Dr Sweetman has mastered a technique which has helped him unearth 48 new species of prehistoric creatures, including eight dinosaurs. His haul includes at least eight new dinosaurs, along with frogs, lizards, salamanders, sharks  - and rarest of all - six tiny mammals, some as small as a shrew. The discoveries were found hidden in mud of the Isle of Wight and are shedding new light on life in prehistoric Britain around 130 million years ago.

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